Saturday, June 29, 2013

So. Much. Food. [and a new way to think about this]

Today involved a baby shower, a housewarming party, a date night, and a 3,500 calorie day.   This was my attempt at starting the day healthy, and I'm blaming those delicious little sprinkle balls on the feast that commenced over the remained of the day.


BUT - I'm thinking about this positively for a few reasons:
1. This has been the first day in over a month that I had day or eating everything and anything in sight.
2. I tracked every last calorie that entered my mouth today (usually on a day like this, tracking goes out the door by 10:00am.
3. I feel really positive right now.  Usually I feel really guilty and depressed after a day like this, but today I somehow still feel very much in control and ready to get back to business in morning.  I'm excited to wake up to an egg beater omelette and a good workout!

Despite the un-exciting weigh in this morning, the scale did drop the next day and I'm hoping if I can start fresh tomorrow I can still be excited about next Wednesdays weigh in!

If anything, today showed me that I can still take an [occasional] day to eat carefree like the rest of my friends, but getting back on the wagon tomorrow will really help solidify in my mind if this 'healthy-lifestyle-and-not-just-a-diet' is here to stay!

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