Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wednesday Weigh In -- Take 2

Initial Weight: 194
Last Week: 190.4
Today: 188.2

Since last week: -2.2
Total: -5.8

Yay :) 

I haven't posted in a few days because 1-I don't think anyone reads this, and 2-My days were pretty uneventful..  However, I have still been in control and doing great every day. The further I get into this journey and the more successful days I have, the easier it seems to make the next day.  I have been consistently tracking my calories on MyFitnessPal, working out 5-6 days per week, and really thinking about whether sweet treats will be worth it.  I've been eating a lot of salads bulked up with protein, still enjoying my delicious omelette breakfast, and making sure to mix up my workouts.

I have also had a few successes in the past few days, which definitely deserve documentation!

First of all, there have been some big, delicious looking, soft, peanut butter cookies sitting on the counter at work all week... But they weren't even tempting to me (okay, a little tempting).  At one point I was bargaining with myself and considering just having half of one, but ultimately I decided to not have any.  I know what happens when I just sneak a taste..  I end up completely breaking down after just a half and end up having multiple cookies.

While resisting free cookies is a big thing for me and I was very proud of this, THIS was probably my biggest success for the week:

Okay, so why is eating pizza a success for me?  Well, because its stuffed crust pizza and stuffed crust weakness is one of my biggest weaknesses in the world and definitely a binge-trigger food.  Ryan called me at work Moday evening and said he was craving Pizza Hut and asked if it would be alright if he ordered pizza.  I really appreciated him asking, because he knows this is one food on my 'naughty list'.  I thought about it for a minute and realized that I would need to face the pizza sometime if this journey is here to stay, so I gave him the go-ahead.  I knew I wasn't going to be home for another couple hours because I was heading to Boot Camp right after work, so I told him to make sure the pizza was out away in the fridge before I got home.  After getting home, I stuck to my original plan for dinner and had a turkey burger, veggies, and a few chips and salsa instead.  

I felt so awesome about not slipping and having pizza for dinner, because I know it would have put me way over my calorie limit and probably even lead to a binge.  In addition to making a good choice for dinner, I carried that success into lunch the next day and had [ONE] piece of pizza with a salad and made it a point to really enjoy each bite!!  This experience reminded me that I can still enjoy food from my 'naughty list' as long as it is in moderation!!

Today is my first non-weekend day that I don't really have my meals planned ahead of time..  We're going to Ryan's parents dinner for his brother and dad's birthday..  I'm not sure what we're having and I'm sure there will be cake.  I am going to try and get to Boot Camp this evening, and we'll see what dessert is before I decide to have it or not.  In really going to consider whether it will be worth it or not, and I'm going to try get get dinner tracked before digging in :)

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