Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wednesday Weigh In

Initial Weight: 194
Today: 190.4

Total: -3.6

I'm very happy with those results for the first week!  I feel thinner (at least not so bloated!) and feel like I have more energy in general.  Feels great..  Can't wait for more!

Today was another great day.  Despite feeling like I got hit by a truck, I still made it to Boot Camp this evening.  An hour of circuits outside in the rain felt great!

Eating was good today as well.  I slept in this morning so just had coffee when I woke up, but then we went to Ryan's parents house for lunch (and to see our sweet nephew!).  We had steak fajitas and homemade guacamole.  I had my fajitas over a lettuce salad instead of in the tortillas, and I used a little self control to only have a 1/2 cup of guacamole.  Guac is probably one of my favorite foods and I could eat a gallon of it at once.  This was an awesome accomplishment for me.  Also, Ryan's parents always have freshly baked homemade chocolate chip cookies and these are usually a big trigger for me as well.  Once I have one I usually end up having 5, so today I just didn't have any!  For some reason it was a lot easier to 'Just say No' than I though it would be.  I feel so silly for being so proud about not eating a cookie, but anyone who knows me knows that I have a wicked sweet tooth and am especially weak-willed around baked goods.

Ran a bunch of errands today and cooked some homemade Penne Rosa.  It was supposed to be a healthy version of the dish sold at Noodles & Co.  It was pretty good and low calorie, but not quite  as tasty as the real thing.  However, it was definitely a satisfying dinner after boot camp!


The plan for the rest of the night is a little relaxation, probably a banana with a little peanut butter, and early to bed so that I'm ready and raring to go for a long day with lots of fitness fun planned!

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